Poonam V

The Mind Is Everything, What You Think You Become!

Updated: May 23, 2023

Pain and pleasure are both felt. The smell of a flower can only be found in the flower itself. The mind is everything, what you think you become.


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Thinking is the mental act of coming up with new ideas, thoughts, or concepts. It has to do with how the mind works. It includes things like perception, memory, reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making, planning, imagining, and dreaming. We can make sense of the world, understand information, solve problems, and think in abstract or creative ways because we can think.

It is the process of manipulating and organising mental representations, such as pictures, words, symbols, or ideas, in order to make sense and gain understanding. It can happen consciously when we think about something on purpose, or unconsciously, when our minds think about things without us being aware of it.

There are different ways to think, such as:

  • Creative Thinking: Thinking creatively means coming up with new and different ideas, making connections between things that don't seem to go together, and thinking outside the box. It often requires creativity, originality, and the willingness to think outside the box.

  • Analytical Thinking: This way of thinking involves breaking down difficult problems or situations into smaller parts, analysing them in a systematic way, and using logical reasoning to come up with solutions or come to a conclusion.

  • Reflective thinking: This is when you look at your own thoughts, actions, and experiences and ask yourself questions about them. It helps people understand themselves better and learn from their past mistakes.

  • Critical Thinking: Thinking critically means judging information, arguments, or situations in a methodical and objective way. It involves looking at the evidence, questioning what you think you know, and making decisions or judgements based on what you know.

  • Problem-Solving: Thinking about how to solve a problem involves identifying and defining the problem, coming up with possible solutions, evaluating different options, and putting together effective plans to get the results you want.

Also, READ | Thinking in Two Modes: Conscious and Unconscious!


Realising while thinking means becoming aware of your thoughts, getting new ideas, and getting a better grasp on a certain idea, problem, or situation. Here are some steps that will help you realise things and become more aware while you think:

  • Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being in the present moment and noticing your thoughts without judging them. When you practise mindfulness, you can look at your thoughts without getting caught up in them.

  • Try to see things from different points of view: This will help you test your own ideas and beliefs. Talk with people who have different ideas or areas of expertise. This can give you new ideas and help you understand things better.

  • Self-Reflection: Give yourself time to think about yourself. This can be done by writing in a journal, meditating, or just thinking about things in silence. Think about your thoughts, what you've done, and the patterns that show up. Ask yourself questions to find out how you think.

  • Take on Wonderment: Train yourself to be curious. Ask questions, look at things from different angles, and question what you think you know. Exploration is driven by curiosity, which can lead to new discoveries and insights.

  • Stop and think: Take breaks while you are thinking. Step away from the task at hand, do something else, or just sit back and relax. This gives your mind a chance to rest and reset, giving you a new way of thinking when you go back to it.

  • Mindset of Learning: Encourage a mindset of learning for the rest of your life. Read, do research, and learn things that will help you learn more and get exposed to new ideas. Looking for new information all the time makes it easier to realise and understand what you're thinking about.

  • Links and Patterns: Look for links and patterns between your ideas, thoughts, or pieces of information. Find themes, similarities, or connections between things. Putting ideas together can lead to new insights and a better grasp of things.

  • Questioning is Important: Every time you have a thought or idea, ask yourself why. Look more closely at the reasons, motivations, and assumptions that lie behind your thoughts. This helps to find assumptions, biases, or limits that have been hidden.



The process of analysing information, making connections, and drawing conclusions by using logical and rational thought. It helps us make sure that our ideas and beliefs are backed up by facts and make sense.

Here are some of the most important parts of thinking while reasoning:

  • Find the problem or question: Make sure you are clear about the question or problem you are trying to solve. This gives your reasoning a point of focus and helps you think.

  • Understand presumptions: Be aware of any assumptions or presumptions that may be affecting the way you think. Question these assumptions and think about other points of view.

  • Think about counterarguments: Push your own thinking by thinking about counterarguments or other points of view. This helps to avoid biases and makes it more likely that the issue will be looked at from all angles.

  • Review what you have: Think about how good and reliable the evidence you've collected is. Think about the evidence's source, how it was collected, and any possible biases that could make it less reliable.

  • Learn from your mistakes: Have a growth mindset and use any mistakes or errors in your thinking to help you improve. Use them as chances to improve your thinking skills and get better at them.

  • Collect useful information: Find and analyse relevant information, data, or evidence that is related to the question or problem at hand. Make sure the information is accurate and true.

  • Check your findings: Check that your findings are true and make sense by seeing if they are backed up by evidence and logical reasoning. Think about possible objections or other ways to explain it.

  • Think about how you came to your conclusion: Take a step back and think about how you came to your conclusion. Think about what you do well and what you could do better, and figure out where you might need to improve or do more research.

  • Ask for feedback: Talk to other people about your ideas and ask for their thoughts. Different points of view can help you find mistakes or holes in your thinking and give you new ideas.

  • Apply logic: Deductive or inductive reasoning to draw conclusions from the available evidence. Inductive reasoning is about making generalisations based on specific observations or evidence, while deductive reasoning is about drawing specific conclusions from general ideas or premises.

By doing the above, you can improve your ability to reason well, make decisions based on good information, and form beliefs that are well-supported.

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When someone is "emoting while thinking," they are having emotional responses or reactions at the same time they are thinking. Emotions can have a big effect on how we think, what decisions we make, and how we think in general.

  • Emotional Influence: Our perceptions, biases, and preferences are all affected by how we feel. For instance, when we're happy, we might be more likely to think positively or look for good things to happen. On the other hand, when we are anxious, we may think more about threats or bad things that could happen. Being aware of how our feelings can affect how we think helps us stay objective and make better decisions.

  • Emotional awareness: When you're thinking, be aware of how you're feeling. Recognise and accept the feelings that come up, whether they're good (like joy, excitement, or curiosity) or bad (like fear, frustration, or doubt). Emotional awareness lets you know how your feelings can change the way you think.

  • Emotional Intelligence: Getting better at emotional intelligence can help us control our feelings while we think. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognise, understand, and control our own emotions as well as understand how other people feel. It helps us deal with our feelings in a way that helps us think clearly and make good decisions.

  • Reflective Practise: Do things that allow you to think about how your emotions and thoughts affect each other. Journaling, self-reflection, or talking to other people about your thoughts and feelings can help you understand how your emotions affect the way you think.

  • A balance between Reason and Emotion: Emotions and logical thinking are linked. Even though emotions can give you useful insights and intuition, it's important to keep them in check with logic and critical thinking. Emotions can sometimes make it hard to think clearly or make us act quickly, so it's important to think about the validity and reliability of our thoughts while we're feeling them.

  • Empathy and Seeing Things from Other People's Points of View: When you think about other people or complicated situations, think about the feelings that might be involved. Empathy and putting yourself in someone else's shoes let you see how different emotions can change someone else's thoughts, actions, and reasons for doing things. This more general knowledge can help you think more critically and make better decisions.

Emotions are a normal part of being human and can give you important information. When we feel emotions while we're thinking, we can get a more complete picture of what we're doing, which can improve the way we think overall.


When you imagine while you think, you use your imagination to create mental images, scenarios, or ideas while you are thinking. It lets you think about what could happen, come up with new ideas, and come up with creative solutions. You can improve your ability to imagine what you're thinking about. Imagination gives your thoughts more depth, creativity, and flexibility, so you can come up with new ideas, see new possibilities, and solve problems in new ways. Here's how:

  • Use creative methods: Use creative methods like brainstorming, mind mapping, and doodling to help you come up with creative ideas. These techniques help you visualise and organise your thoughts, which makes it easier to explore and build on them. 

  • Engage your imagination: Give yourself permission to let your imagination run wild. Use your creativity and be open to ideas that go beyond what you normally think. Use your mind to imagine, think about, and come up with mental images.

  • Explore "what-if" scenarios: Ask yourself "what-if" questions and look into hypothetical situations. Think about the different things that could happen or the different ways things could go. This helps you think beyond the limits of the current situation and encourages you to come up with creative solutions to problems.

  • Imagine scenarios: Use your imagination to make clear mental pictures or scenarios related to the topic you're thinking about. Think about how things could be different, how problems could be solved, or how ideas could be put into action. This process can help you see things from different points of view and come up with new ideas.

  • Daydreaming and letting your mind wander: Give yourself time to daydream or let your mind wander. Let your thoughts go where they will and see where they take you. These states of being relaxed and not paying attention can often lead to creative ideas and new ways of putting things together.

  • Mix ideas and concepts: Use your imagination to combine ideas, concepts, or parts from different fields. Think about how these combinations could work together to give you new ideas or answers. This lets you think outside of the box and helps you come up with new ideas.

  • Engage your senses: Use your senses when you're imagining. Think about the sounds, smells, tastes, and textures that go along with the ideas or scenarios you're thinking about. This approach can help you think more deeply and bring your ideas to life.


Determining while thinking is the process of making decisions, coming to conclusions, or making judgements based on your thinking and analysis. It is what comes out of your thinking and reasoning. Here are some important things to think about when deciding:

  • Determine and evaluate: Think critically about the information you've gathered and analyse it. Evaluate the pros and cons of different options, arguments, or points of view. Consider how reliable, accurate, and important the information is before making a decision.

  • Collect information: Find out what you need to know about the topic or issue at hand. Think about different points of view and sources to get a full picture of the situation.

  • Clarify the goal or objective: Make it clear what you want to achieve with your thinking. This helps you make decisions and stay on track by giving you focus and direction.

  • Think about your values and top priorities: Think about your own values, top priorities, and ethical concerns. Think about how the options fit with your values and what's most important to you. This reflection can help you decide what to do.

  • Think about alternatives: Look into other options or ways to solve the problem. Think outside the box and come up with different ways to solve the problem or get what you want. Think about the pros and cons of each option.

  • Balance feelings and reasoning: Recognise the role that emotions play in making decisions and keep a balance with logic. Emotions can give you valuable insights and intuition, but you need to think about how they might affect your resolve and try to be objective.

  • Use logical thinking: Use logical thinking to weigh the evidence, figure out what caused what, and come to a conclusion. Based on the information you have, use deductive or inductive reasoning to come to specific conclusions or make generalisations.

  • Ask for advice: Talk to other people, talk to experts, or gather different points of view. This can help you think more broadly, question what you think you know, and find blind spots.

  • Explore: Once you've decided what to do, do what you need to do based on your decision. Put your plan into action, keep track of your progress, and be willing to change your course if you need to.

  • Check your decision: By thinking about possible objections, counterarguments, or consequences of your decision. Test your ideas and make sure they can stand up to scrutiny. Ask for feedback and let other people judge your decision critically.

Deciding while thinking is a process that goes back and forth. It may mean going back and rethinking your choices as new information or points of view come to light. You can make decisions that are in line with your goals and values if you use critical thinking, analysis, and reflection, and take into account multiple factors.

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Sum Up Thinking

Thinking is a basic mental process that is the basis for a lot of how people think and act. It is important for learning, making decisions, being creative, and growing as a person. How well and clearly we think can have a big effect on how well we understand, get around, and do well in the world around us.

By practising mindful thinking, self-reflection, looking for different points of view, and learning new things all the time, you can think more clearly and with more awareness. These practices can help you gain a deeper understanding, a better understanding of yourself, and a better ability to understand difficult ideas or situations. As said— the mind is everything, what you think you become!
