Shreeya Soni

It's Okay Not To Be Okay!

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

You control your life, and sometimes it's Okay Not To Be Okay!


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It's totally OK to not be okay. Everyone goes through hard times and feels a wide range of emotions, including sadness, stress, anxiety, and other bad feelings. Life can throw us a lot of different challenges, and it's normal to not feel okay sometimes.

It's important to realize that having hard feelings or having mental health problems is a normal part of being human. Sometimes, trying to hide or ignore these feelings can make things worse. Instead, it's important to let yourself feel and work through your emotions.

During these times, it can be helpful to ask for help from friends, family, or mental health professionals. Talking to someone you trust about how you feel can give you comfort, reassurance, and understanding. Professional help can help you deal with hard feelings and situations by giving you advice and ways to handle them.

It's okay to ask for help and take care of yourself. Like physical health, mental health is very important and needs care and attention. Taking steps to improve your health and well-being can help you heal and grow.


If you or someone you know has persistent feelings of sadness or mental health problems, you might want to talk to a mental health professional or call your country's helpline. Don't forget that you are not alone and that you can get help to get through hard times.

Stimuli under control

Keeping stimuli under control and managing them can be important for staying on task, reducing stress, and increasing productivity. Here are some ways to deal with stimuli in a healthy way:

  • Set priorities for your tasks: Figure out which ones are the most important and do them first. By putting your work in order of importance, you can cut down on the number of things that pull your attention away.

  • Create an enjoyable environment: Make your workspace as quiet as possible. Get rid of things you don't need, clean up your desk, and only keep the tools and materials you need for the current task close by.

  • Put limits in place: Set clear limits between your work and your personal life. To keep a healthier balance, don't check work emails or messages when you're not at work and vice versa.

  • Be smart about how you use technology: Technology can be a distraction, but it can also help you stay on track. Use apps and tools for productivity to keep track of your tasks and schedule well.

  • Focus: Try to focus on one thing at a time. Don't try to do too many things at once, because that can make you less focused and less effective. Instead, do one thing at a time and give it your full attention before moving on to the next.

  • Take pauses: Plan short breaks into your workday to give your mind a rest and help you get back on track. Taking a break from work can help keep you from getting burned out and make you more productive.

  • Practice mindfulness: Doing mindfulness exercises or meditating will help you stay in the moment and pay attention to the task at hand.

  • Manage notifications: Disable non-essential notifications on your devices to minimise interruptions. Instead of responding to emails and messages as they come in, you might want to set times to check them.

  • Use headphones that cancel out the noise: If you work in a noisy place, noise-cancelling headphones can help you block out distractions and focus better.

  • Limit social media: Set times for checking social media, and don't just scroll mindlessly at work. Social media can be a major way to waste time.

  • Transfer tasks: If you feel too busy, give tasks to other people if you can. This can free up your time and mind so you can work on more important tasks.

  • Self-discipline: Self-discipline means keeping yourself on track with your work and avoiding distractions as much as possible. Reward yourself when you reach your work goals.

Also, READ | Life Is Made Up of Endless Possibilities!

How are you able to tell if you're not doing well?

Taking care of your mental and emotional health requires first acknowledging that something is wrong. The following symptoms may indicate that your health is deteriorating:

  • Mood swings: If your mood changes rapidly or if you're consistently sad, irritable, or anxious, it may be a sign that something is wrong.

  • Lost interest: Disinterest Loss of interest in things that were once enjoyable could be an indicator of internal conflict.

  • Insomnia: Insomnia or excessive daytime sleepiness may be a symptom of mental or emotional strain.

  • Shifts in energy: Significant shifts in eating patterns, such as binge eating or starvation, may indicate psychological or emotional distress.

  • Exhaustion: Emotional exhaustion can manifest physically through symptoms like chronic fatigue and a lack of energy, even after getting enough sleep.

  • Emotional challenges: Headaches, stomachaches, and muscle tension are all examples of physical symptoms that may have an emotional component. Focusing on one thing at a time If you have trouble concentrating or making decisions, it may be because of emotional or mental health issues.

  • Social interactions: If you aren't feeling well emotionally, you may withdraw from social interactions and avoid friends and family. Feeling overwhelmed by life's responsibilities or a general lack of hope is a possible indicator of emotional distress. Feeling agitated, frustrated, or angry very quickly may be signs of emotional distress.

  • Decreased performance: Emotional difficulties impacting concentration and motivation could be the cause of a decline in performance at work or school. Trying to deal with emotional pain by engaging in risky behaviors, such as substance abuse or reckless actions, is a common symptom. Emotional difficulties may be linked to persistent negative self-talk, such as having negative thoughts about yourself or feeling unworthy.

Everyone is different and these symptoms may manifest differently for different people. It's important to note that just because you're experiencing some of these symptoms doesn't mean you're doing poorly. If these symptoms persist or start interfering with your daily life, however, it may be helpful to reach out for help from friends, family, or a mental health professional.

It's normal to feel down sometimes. Taking care of one's mental health is essential, and reaching out for assistance when one is struggling is a sign of fortitude, not weakness. If you're feeling emotionally overwhelmed, don't be afraid to ask for help.

Also, READ | FOCUS ON YOUR GOALS and have faith in your ability to achieve them.

Is it perfectly fine to cry?

It is perfectly normal to cry. Crying is a normal and healthy way for people to show how they feel about different things. It is a normal way for our bodies to let out feelings like sadness, happiness, anger, or even relief. There are many reasons to cry:

  • Psychological discharge: Crying can help you feel like you've let go of your feelings and feel better. It can help you understand and deal with strong feelings, which can ease emotional tension.

  • Pressure decrease: Crying can be a form of catharsis and can help lower stress levels. It turns on the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps the body and mind relax and feel better.

  • Physiological benefits: Tears keep our eyes from drying out and protect them from getting infections.

  • Social Media bonding: Crying can be a way to show others that you are upset or vulnerable, which can lead to more social support and understanding.

  • Awareness of oneself: Paying attention to our tears and feelings can help us become more self-aware and better understand our feelings and needs.

Some people think that crying is a sign of weakness, but crying is a normal and healthy part of being human. It doesn't make you weak or less capable; in fact, it can be a sign that you are strong and know how to deal with your emotions. Taking care of your emotional health and self-care can include letting yourself cry when you need to.

What do you do when you realize that everything is not OK?

When you realize that everything isn't fine, it can be hard and make you feel like you can't handle it. Here are some things you can do to deal with the situation and get moving in the right direction:

  • Let yourself feel: recognize and accept your feelings without judging them. Sometimes it's okay to not be okay. Give yourself permission to feel what you're feeling and work through it.

  • Mental Health: Talk to a mental health professional if you find it hard to deal with your emotions or if your distress lasts for a long time. They can help you deal with your problems by giving you advice, support, and tools.

  • Self-care: It means taking care of your body, your emotions, and your mind. Do things that make you happy and help you unwind. Focus on getting the right amount of food, exercise, and rest.

  • Limit your exposure to stressors: Figure out what makes you stressed and do what you can to avoid them, at least temporarily. This could mean setting limits, avoiding situations that set you off, or taking breaks when you need to.

  • Journal: Writing in a journal means writing down your thoughts and feelings. This can help you get clear, deal with your feelings, and see patterns.

  • Pay attention to the now: By practicing mindfulness, you can stay in the present. Mindfulness exercises, like deep breathing or meditation, can help reduce anxiety and make you feel better emotionally.

  • Set small goals: Start with small, doable tasks to feel like you're in charge again and that you're making progress. No matter how small a step forward may seem, you should be happy about it.

  • Don't be hard on yourself: Be kind to yourself and don't be hard on yourself. Remember that it's okay to have trouble and that you're not the only one.

  • Accept that things aren't always perfect: It's normal to want everything to be fine, but life is full of ups and downs. Accept that being human means having flaws and not knowing what will happen.

  • Focus on what you can change: Pay attention to the things in your life that you can change. Trying to control things you can't control can make you feel more stressed and frustrated.

Explore ways to deal with stress: Find healthy ways to deal with stress that work for you, like exercise, being creative, spending time in nature, or doing hobbies. Taking things one step at a time is fine. It may take time to heal and find a sense of balance, and that's okay. Be kind to yourself and willing to ask for help when you need it.

Finding solutions

Approach the person in whom you have complete faith and either express your inclination to them or offer them the thing that is driving you crazy. You will feel more at ease if you make an effort to listen to what you have to say without passing judgement and if you accept the peculiarities you possess.

Dealing with stimuli is an ongoing process, and it's okay to get distracted every now and then. The goal is to use strategies that help you keep your attention under control and make an environment that helps your work and your health. Try out different ways to find the ones that work best for you.

Teat yourself with kindness and not judge yourself for crying. Give yourself time and space to deal with your feelings without feeling bad about it. If you find yourself crying a lot or having trouble dealing with your feelings, it might help to talk to a friend or family member you trust or get help from a mental health professional. Remember that asking for help is a sign of strength and that you don't have to deal with your feelings on your own.
